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Please note that there is a different procedure for admission to the Nursery, the Reception class and In Year Admissions.

Reception Admissions  (Born between 1.9.18 and 31.8.19)

If your child has been born between 1.9.18 and 31.8.19, they will start school next academic year (Sep 2023).
Please contact the school to book a place on one of our open morning school tours.  

If you are applying for a place in Reception then you must register with Southwark, create an account and complete an on-line application using the link below

If you require further advice or information you can contact Southwark’s Admissions Team on 020 7525 5337.

Michael Faraday School is a popular school, therefore it is important to apply on time. Late admissions are not considered in the first round of applications. Reception places are allocated by the Local Education Authority, and not by the school. The Local Education Authority manages the school’s waiting list until 31st August of each year, when it is handed over to the school.

Remember that if you currently have a child already in the school Nursery, you must still complete an on-line application for admission to Reception. There is no automatic transfer from Nursery to Reception.

Nursery Admission

The school is responsible for Nursery admissions and in allocating places we follow the same guidelines used by Southwark. You can read about these over here. 

You may register for a nursery place when your child becomes two. Children will begin Nursery in the term after their third birthday. We offer both full and part-time places; the hours are dependent upon your child’s readiness for school.

If you would like to apply for a place in the school’s Nursery, please make sure you have completed a Nursery Admission Form, available from the school office, or use the link below to download the form: 

In Year Admissions

If you are interested in an in-year (after Reception admissions) primary school place for your child, please contact the school office or email

Tel: 0207 7035806

This form must be completed and taken to your child’s existing school for the present headteacher’s signature. Copies of this form may be obtained from the school if you have difficulty accessing or printing this form.


An Offer of a Place

Please note that the offer of a school place is conditional until proof of address has been confirmed by the school. Original copies of the following will be required:

  • Child benefit documentation, or if you’re no longer eligible to receive child benefit you’ll need a letter from the HMRC confirming you were previously in receipt of child benefit
  • Council Tax bill
  • One other proof of address (TV licence, bank statement, credit/store card statement)

You can find out more about this on the Southwark Admissions website by clicking on the link below:

If you move house after submitting your application but before an offer has been made, this could affect your offer. Please follow the Southwark guidance here


Please click on the link below to see the Southwark guidance in regard to primary school appeals

Late Applications

For more information, read here

Admission Policy

At Michael Faraday, we adhere to the Southwark Admissions Guidance.

When you've completed your here application, you must submit it by the closing date of 15 January 2023 by 11.59pm. The online application will not be deemed as on time unless it's submitted by this time and date.