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Results, Ofsted and Financial Information

Ofsted report

Michael Faraday School had an ungraded Ofsted Inspection in 2024, which confirmed that Michael Faraday is a ‘good’ school.

Click on the link to read the full letter from the Ofsted Inspector.

Performance/ SATS results

The School Comparison Tool complements the Ofsted school inspection report by providing an analysis of performance data for schools. 

No primary test or assessment data has been published for 2020, 2021 or 2022. You can view the final 2019 data however this data may no longer reflect a school's current performance.

Click here for the school performance tables website.

KS 2 results 2023 
  Expected Level Greater Depth National
Reading 79% 25% 73%
Writing 74% 2% 71%
Maths 70% 25% 73%
GPS 81% 28% 72%
Combined 58% 2% 59%
KS2 Progress Score as published by DFE 
Reading Writing Maths
+ 0.54 (Average) + 0.27(Average) + 0.33 (Average)
EYFS & Phonics Results 2023
  School National 
Reception GLD 47% 67%
Year 1 77% 79%
Year 2 cumulative  75% -
Swimming Results
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety
Results for Year 6 pupils  2023 - 2024
How many pupils within your cohort can swim competently, confidently and proficient over a distance of at least 25 metres 61%
How many pupils within your cohort can use a range of strokes effectively 53%
How many pupils within your cohort can perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations 53%
Ofsted Parent Views

Parent View gives parents and carers the chance to tell Ofsted what they think about their child’s school.  They can also see what other parents have said about the school.

Financial Information

It is a statutory requirement that we publish certain financial information on our website.

  • Information about how many school employees (if any) have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more in increments of £10,000:

We currently do not have any members of staff that have a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

  • A link to the webpage which is dedicated to our school on the schools financial benchmarking service:

Click on the link to find this information: