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"The only skills that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning new skills.  Everything else will become obsolete over time." 

Peter Drucker

Why do we teach Computing (intent)?

Preparation for the future

· Our aim is to prepare pupils for both today's world and the future. In a digital age, understanding computers is essential for future employment and active participation in society. This aligns with the national curriculum's goal of ensuring that pupils become digitally literate and equipped for the future workplace.

Building knowledge and skills

· We strive to provide pupils with a good foundation in computing knowledge and skills in computing to align with the national curriculum's objective to teach the principles of information and computation, the functioning of digital systems, and their application through programming.

Developing problem-solving skills

· Our school is committed to teaching pupils how to solve problems and think computationally. This approach helps them design systems and comprehend the capabilities and limitations of computers. This objective aligns with the national curriculum's emphasis on developing pupils' ability to think logically, solve problems and understand computational concepts.

Fostering digital literacy and responsible digital citizenship

· We aim to empower pupils to use technology confidently and safely. They will learn to express themselves creatively through technology while understanding the importance of online safety and responsible digital behaviour. This intention matches the national curriculum's goal for pupils to be responsible, competent, confident and creative users of ICT.

Encouraging creativity and innovation

· Our intent is to inspire creativity and innovation in our pupils through computing. By engaging with technology in imaginative ways, pupils can explore new ideas and develop unique solutions, which aligns with the national curriculum's aim to foster creativity in digital contexts.

Promoting collaboration and communication

· We aim to teach pupils how to effectively collaborate and communicate using digital tools, which supports the national curriculum's focus on using technology to enhance collaborative efforts and communication skills.​​​​​​​

What do we teach?

Click on the link below to see the curriculum overview for Computing.

What is the impact?

Click on the link below to see the impact statement of 2022 - 2023